Safe. Welcome.
Integrated. Thriving.
We are building an inclusive Europe where newcomers can become part of a society within which they can contribute and flourish.
The Share Network approach
We connect, educate and provide support for those engaged or interested in the safe transition and integration of migrants and refugees to Europe:
We connect local actors to others working in and around welcome and inclusion at a regional, national, European and international level.
We recognise that all parties engaged in welcome and integration have knowledge, experience, resources and capacities that can support better policymaking and action.
Capacity building
We capture existing expertise and knowledge before making it accessible to others through training activities, tools, resources and the sharing of best practices.
Ground-up strategy
We advocate for better policymaking and funding decisions that are guided by the experiences and evidence collected from local communities.
We promote and support participatory and co-creation approaches for integration, with a focus on those working in communities at local level.

Welcome & Integration
The more inclusive a society is, the more migrants and refugees have the opportunity to add value and visibly contribute to their new community. To achieve this, societies need to create the optimal conditions for integration and help newcomers to progress towards independence.

Legal Pathways
We advocate to expand legal pathways for people in need of protection to reach Europe safely, through our research, advocacy, multistakeholder conferences, training, and capacity building. We pursue innovative solutions through complementary pathways programmes, including community sponsorship, access to higher education, labour mobility and family reunification.

Policy & Advocacy
We aim to strengthen the capacity and willingness of European countries to welcome refugees and support their integration. We advocate for policies and funding at the EU level which enable more and better durable solutions via resettlement and other safe and legal pathways. Voices and experiences of local and regional actors are the foundation of our policy and advocacy work.