Share projects: SprINg
Our latest action in the gathering, summarising, and sharing of research on sustainable practices of integration
SprINg is an EU-funded two-year project aiming at making integration policies at national, regional and local levels more effective, evidence-based, innovative, transferable, and sustainable.
SprINg’s goals & areas of action
Mapping and engaging with relevant stakeholders around communities of practice
Identifying successful and sustainable practices for the integration of newly arrived migrants
Mobilising significant evidence that matches stakeholders’ knowledge needs
Promoting an evidence culture in integration policy and engaging and building a dialogue with national and local policy makers, public sector, NGOs, businesses and grassroots initiatives creating innovative tools for transferring knowledge
The project's direction is guided by input from integration-related communities of practice who will take part in participatory techniques for assessing needs, co-designing activities and identifying solutions & policy implications.
Learn more about the project through its website here.
Engaging communities of practice with a participative approach
ICMC Europe, via Share, and jointly with the ICMPD and the Danube University Krems, recently completed a Stakeholder Mapping Report of 18 EU member states identifying both existing communities of practice and new actors within the field of welcoming and integration.
Acting as an engagement tool within SprINg, the report aids in the understanding of the needs of the communities and the dissemination of practical resources for a participative approach.
The SprINg partnership brings together some of Europe’s most well-connected integration researchers, think tanks, and networks with the support of global stakeholders.
SprINg mobilises relevant research, networks, and communications channels, highlighting the best available evidence on integration practice and policy’s effectiveness, innovation, transferability, and sustainability.
SprINg is coordinated by ISMU and implemented by ICMC as well as a number of other partner groups. Evidence will ultimately summarise the findings of EU projects funded under Horizon 2020, AMIF, European Social Fund and Erasmus+ as well as relevant public & private donors.