Share projects: Quality Sponsorship Network (QSN)
Supporting sponsorship initiatives to develop into larger, sustainable and community-driven programmes
January 2021-June 2023
Using multistakeholder, grassroots and bottom-up strategies to build sustainable and robust sponsorship programmes, QSN sets out to ensure that the voices and experiences of sponsorship stakeholders are present at an EU level.
Co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and coordinated by ICMC Europe, QSN brings together a consortium of actors running community sponsorship programmes in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the UK.
Encourage and strengthen the present sponsorship stakeholder community by exchanging practices and information at a national and EU level
Ensure quality and engagement by supporting volunteer sponsorship groups and proactively seeking refugee participation and feedback
Broaden the sponsorship base by conversing with a wide variety of actors who may be new or unfamiliar with welcoming refugees through sponsorships
QSN community actions
International and EU level workshops on sponsorship topics including the evaluation of refugee sponsorship; inter-faith engagement and cooperation; regions & cities as sponsors; university & labour mobility programmes; pre-departure cultural orientation & matching; innovative financing and private sector/ philanthropy engagement
Capacity-building for lead and volunteer sponsors.
Ongoing evaluation and assessment of sponsorship programmes, including refugee feedback sessions.
Activities with supporting organisations, grassroots sponsors, local authorities and refugees that build leadership and inspire both new and experienced actors to get involved.
Creating space to hear the testimonials and stories from the participants on both sides of the experience
The European Sponsorship Ceremony gathers grassroots stakeholders from across Europe to celebrate the unique contributions of local communities, volunteers, and refugees and bring the voices of those directly involved in sponsorship to the EU policy level.
Share QSN Partnership
Approximate figures as of October 2022

QSN Partners

Publications and reports on Community Sponsorship

Share QSN July 2023 Newsletter

Share QSN Winter 2022 Newsletter

Share QSN June 2022 Newsletter

Share QSN December 2021 Newsletter

QSN Magazine
Publications and reports on Community Sponsorship
Share ‘Sponsorship Stories’
Sponsorship Stories is a series of articles detailing experiences and developments in community-based sponsorship gathered through the Share network. The series, which features sponsors, refugees and grassroots actors involved at a local level, highlights the work and learnings of those currently active in community sponsorship programmes across Europe.