Complementary Pathways: EU-Passworld
Linking community sponsorship to labour and education pathways
EU-Passworld is an EU-funded three-year project aiming at linking community sponsorship to labour and education pathways through a multi-stakeholder consortium in Belgium, Ireland and Italy working to design, pilot, and implement innovative complementary pathway programmes.
EU-Passworld’s overarching goals & areas of action
Learn more about the project through its website here.
Accompanying national stakeholders in Belgium, Ireland and Italy to design a tailored national framework to further develop community sponsorship programs and linking them to labour and education pathways.
Supporting the transition from design to implementation of national pilots. Establishing an identification, referral and matching working group to facilitate the involvement of local communities, universities and businesses in refugees’ integration.
Piloting labour and education pathways in BE, IE and IT, linking these pathways to sponsorship schemes. Partners will support local communities, universities and businesses in welcoming and integrating newly arrived refugees.
Generating new knowledge and producing tools and resources to share results, lessons learned and good practices among relevant stakeholders in the EU and worldwide.
The Identification, Referral and Matching Working Group
Together with Caritas Italiana and Refuge Point, the Share Network set up the Working Group on Identification, Referral and Matching to exchange on best practices between partners working in this area.
The first meeting of the EU-PASSWORLD Working Group on Identification, Referral and Matching took place online on 20-21 October 2022. The meeting brought together 43 participants working in complementary pathways across 17 countries to discuss identification, referral and matching in complementary pathways.
The third meeting of the Working Group took place from the 28-30 March 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. The exchange visit featured in-depth exploration of pathways and programmes currently being implemented in Kenya, both by RefugePoint and by other partners. It was an opportunity to gain a fuller understanding of the many activities that collectively comprise the identification, referral, and matching of refugees for complementary pathways, including the needed subsequent steps enabling departure to the destination country.
The second meeting of the Working Group took place online on 14 February 2023. The meeting brought together 50 participants working on complementary pathways, across 17 countries to discuss the practical and technical aspects of identification, referral and matching for education and labour pathways. Experts were invited to present their expertise.
The fourth meeting of the EU-PASSWORLD Working Group on Identification, Referral and Matching will take place on 19th of October 2023. The meeting will bring together around 50 participants to discuss practical and technical aspects extended family reunification and humanitarian admission programmes. It will highlight key approaches, best practices, partnerships and tools developed on identification, referral and matching for these pathways, including naming. Further, it will explore how successful practices and approaches can be adapted across these pathways, including regarding eligibility criteria and visa schemes.