Fourth regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Soria

The regional platform is set up in the framework of the Share SIRA project, our European project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which aims at strengthening and expanding the social orientation and overall integration of newcomers in rural territories in Europe. Besides Soria, regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platforms have also been set up in 9 other rural regions in Europe. Click here to find out more about these regions!


On 28 March 2022, IOM Spain and Fundación CEPAIM, with the support of ICMC Europe (lead of the SHARE Network), organized the fourth roundtable of the regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in the Province of Soria, located in the Autonomous Region of Castilla y Leon in Spain.

13 stakeholders joined the event, including NGOs, local and regional associations, migrants and citizens.

Taking into account the theme of the 3rd of the Expert Group Meeting on access to European funding, the fact that the pilot projects are already underway and we had the experience of the selection of the proposals, as well as the start of the monitoring and evaluation process, the main points of discussion in the agenda were the following:

  • Recommendations in the elaboration of proposals based on the experience in the selection of proposals for pilot initiatives in the territories in the framework of the SHARE SIRA project, 

  • Monitoring and evaluation of pilot initiatives in Spain, France, Poland and Greece, 

  • Designing together the national meeting: ideas and suggestions, 

  • Forthcoming activities: webinars, look & learn visit national roundtable, etc. 

When co-designing the national meeting, the following questions were posed: 

  • What issues do you think are currently relevant?  

  • Are there any issues that you would like to explore in more depth? 

  • Who do you think should be present at the national meeting?  

  • How would you organise the national roundtable? 

One of the participants stated that migrants should be given a voice and pointed out that one of the main problems for migrants is often the recognition of qualifications, suggesting dedicating a part of the event to education, labour integration and certification of skills. It was also suggested to invite companies, because they often need to hire staff, but there are hurdles in the procedures for migrant workers.  

Another proposal for the national event was to talk about participatory methodologies, since the creation of networks is fundamental. 

The 4th regional roundtable was the last in the series of regional roundtables of the Share SIRA. Various stakeholders from Soria have met over the past months to discuss the integration of newly arrived refugees and migrants. Fruitful discussions and interesting debates on integration needs, access to services and challenges faced by newcomers during the integration process took place, while participants had the opportunity to better coordinate, share their experiences and exchange good practices. Some of them will have the occasion to meet again at the National Roundtable that will take place this autumn 2022. Through the multi-stakeholder platforms, the Share Network has also been able to provide trainings tailored to the needs of local actors and to collect data on the region and integration frameworks in the form of Factfiles 

Through transnational activities and events, the project has also encouraged the exchange of practices and promoted inspiring grassroot practices at European level, thus making the link between practice and policy 

Share Network would like to thank all stakeholders who participated in the roundtables for their commitment and important contribution. 

More information about the activities in Soria can be found on the regional webpage.


Fourth regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Guadalajara


Fourth regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Teruel