ICMC Europe Joins Global Pledge to Amplify Refugee Voices

6 December 2024

ICMC Europe is proud to announce our commitment to the Multi-stakeholder Pledge on Meaningful Refugee Participation, an initiative launched following the 2023 Global Refugee Forum. As one of 81 organisations dedicated to transforming how refugees are involved in decision-making, we are strengthening our approach to ensure that those with lived experiences of displacement are at the heart of creating solutions.

Our pledge goes beyond mere representation. We are committed to breaking down structural barriers that have traditionally silenced refugee voices, particularly those of women, children, and youth. This means actively working to provide meaningful platforms, support refugee-led organisations, and challenge existing systems that limit genuine participation.

The global landscape is changing. We've seen promising developments, from refugee representatives participating in UNHCR Executive Committee delegations to innovative initiatives like the Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility. However, we recognize that true meaningful participation requires ongoing, intentional effort.

By signing this pledge, ICMC Europe commits to:

  • Amplifying refugee voices in decision-making processes

  • Supporting refugee-led organisations

  • Addressing funding and legal barriers that limit refugee engagement

  • Creating inclusive spaces where lived experiences drive solution design

Find the full pledge below:


Report: Enhancing Access to Third-Country Solutions: Best Practices and Key Recommendations for Identification, Referral,and Matching


European Migration Forum 2024: Amplifying Civil Society’s Voice in Migration Policy