Second regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Vaucluse
The regional platform is set up in the framework of the Share SIRA project, our European project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which aims at strengthening and expanding the social orientation and overall integration of newcomers in rural territories in Europe. Besides Vaucluse, regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platforms have also been set up in 9 other rural regions in Europe. Click here to find out more about these regions!
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On 27 July 2021, Entraide Pierre Valdo, in cooperation with ICMC Europe (lead of the SHARE Network), organized the second roundtable of the regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in the department of Vaucluse, France.
10 stakeholders joined the online event to continue the conversation started by the first roundtable and explore further the existing good practices in the field of migrant and refugee inclusion while discussing the upcoming regional factfiles and pilot opportunities in the framework of the SHARE SIRA project.
For instance, participants had the opportunity to exchange on relevant past and present initiatives in the territory in the fields of mobility, access to vocational training and employment, access to linguistic support, access to culture and sports. Many examples of good practices were mentioned, such as the recruitment of a focal point for ‘Français Langues Etrangères’ in the AGIR project and the organization of art exhibitions by the association “Art et vivre” in areas where many newcomers settle.
This discussion thus highlighted the variety of actions implemented in Vaucluse to foster social inclusion. Yet, it also acknowledged how these initiatives and projects are mostly concentrated in urban areas, where needs in terms of social exclusion and unemployment are mainly detected.
The stakeholders involved in the regional platforms will gather on two more occasions over the course of 2021/2022. You can stay updated on all the activities in Vaucluse by visiting the regional webpage.