We have been evaluated!
The Share Network and its activities have been evaluated from 1st of December 2022 to 1st of June 2023 by a team of external evaluators.
The objectives of the evaluation are to
Assess the relevance, coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of the change strategies deployed by ICMC Europe/Share Network on their key areas of work with stakeholders
Document and disseminate key factors of success and good practice, as well as areas for improvement and opportunities to provide enhanced support to stakeholders
Identify implications for the future and provide strategic recommendations on ways of working for ICMC Europe/Share Network
To do so, the evaluators assessed the effectiveness of the change strategies in supporting our stakeholders. Below some extracts of key findings in our main areas of work:
Network growth and diversification
High Effectiveness in ICMCESN’s network growth.
We effectively supported the growth of its network of stakeholders working on CP and CS locally/regionally, nationally, and at the European level. We adopted a holistic approach in its outreach strategy delivering presentations, building coalitions, disseminating material, making ‘behind-the-scenes’ contacts, and meeting relevant stakeholders and decision-makers. This strategy has helped improve engagement, awareness and the quality of the CS and CP programmes.
“The pandemic really impacted many people in need of protection who were in third countries waiting to be resettled. The stories published by the Share Network were a good reminder of the people who expected to come to Europe. In my opinion, resettlement and complementary pathways were not a very big topic in Europe. They were new topics that needed promotion.” (European Stakeholder)
“I think that a holistic approach to resettlement is also very important. So, in this sense I think that labour market integration is an aspect we should regard. I think in future we should be looking at how we can cooperate with local actors, such as companies and firms to connect them with the people who are coming here.” (QSN partner)
Capacity building and peer support
High effectiveness in improving the understanding of CP and CS programmes through Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Evidence-based data from M&E has been used to update the results obtained in former evaluations and to encourage some countries past their pilot phase and to consolidate their sponsorship programmes.
High effectiveness in capacity improvement of lead sponsors and sponsorship groups
The skills of lead sponsors and volunteers were improved with training sessions on building strong and diverse teams and managing boundaries. E-surveys indicate that a significant number of respondents found the training sessions useful for their work and the free online training portal was highly consulted.
“The roundtables were helpful for learning from different perspectives and models of sponsorship in Europe. I keep some of their reports in my records for reference.” (European Union Stakeholder)
“I think working with ICMCESN has been hugely beneficial. I don't see it as a rigorous decision-making process. It's a very democratic space with a lot of feedback. There's a lot of listening too, there are a lot of side conversations and stuff like that as well, so you feel like you're not part of a tick-box exercise, which I've been on in other research projects like this.” (QSN partner)
“We heard from some volunteers, however, that there are some barriers because most of the training material online and the events are in English and, in Spain, in France, in Italy and in Germany, some volunteers just don't speak the language.” (National Stakeholder)
Advocacy and advisory
High effectiveness in influencing stakeholders through the advocacy strategy
Alongside QSN partners we have gained legitimacy for their experience, knowledge and understanding of the governance framework in which sponsorship programmes operate. We have been highly effective in influencing relevant stakeholders through consultations, meetings, public forums and media campaigns to build strategic relationships and increase the chances of successfully advocating for policy change.
“I think that Share’s advocacy role has been positive and it has a leading role at the European level. I mean, the research studies are always cited in European papers. Their material is always considered as one of the main resources for European institutions. So, in that sense, it has been very positive, also, within the agency resettlement and humanitarian mission working group. Of course, we need to keep going and to strengthen this partnership, because this is the only way that we can influence the creation of a European framework.” (ICMC Europe Board)
“Sponsorship generates tons of very beautiful stories, which are important from a narrative perspective for the whole of society, and these are not necessarily leveraged to the extent they could be leveraged. I would say a communication, a more deliberate strategic communication effort could be a smart choice” (Focus Group Discussion)
High effectiveness in achieving the quality of connections and cooperation with cross-collaboration
Our cross-collaboration strategies were very effective in creating quality connections and establishing cooperation among diverse stakeholders through mobilising multistakeholder coalitions at a decentralised level with a spirit of constructive cooperation. We demonstrated flexibility and adaptability to identify solutions, address emerging needs, and implement responsive interventions. This aspect was particularly observed with the incorporation of an initiative that opens new opportunities to improve cross-collaboration with people with lived experience in the Refugee Sponsorship Mobilisation Platform.
“All the stakeholders involved in sponsorship have been collaborating to promote the programme. I would say there is really a positive cooperative approach by all the players. Everyone needs to cooperate with everyone else to maximize resilience, so I would definitely say that there is a very positive spirit of cooperation across the board and that Share has contributed to that.” (Share Network staff)
“Being responsible for community sponsorship in my country it was very helpful to attend the conference in Bilbao. I was able to see how the programme works in the Basque country and how they collaborate with the community groups. It was an eye-opening experience.” (Representative of a national authority.)
Use of research and resources
High effectiveness in the use of research, resources and tools
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Community Sponsorship Programmes was considered highly interesting and useful by those stakeholders and decision-makers who have been working on improving and consolidating their sponsorship programmes.
“I have been on the edge of the Share Network and stayed connected to learn what is going on in Europe. I am encouraged to see the developments over the years. It has been an important place to bring together groups to talk about how they can support each other and share information.” (E-survey respondent)
Activities, projects and resources most beneficial to its stakeholders
Promotion of the meaningful participation of refugees
Medium Effectiveness in meaningful participation of refugees
As part of the refugee mobilisation platform, we have contributed to the creation of the refugee advisory group to organise periodic meetings and sponsored refugees’ participation in events. However, due to practical and structural barriers, engagement in the design, planning, operation and evaluation of refugees in CP and CS programmes remains in the process of being fully developed. We stay committed to enabling meaningful participation and will continue to build on the refugee advisory group.
“In the workshop I met different refugee advisors from different countries. In my view, it was a good experience. I think this group is helpful because we are the people who have firsthand information about the problems, we have the experience. For example, we know more than anybody what are the financial obstacles that affect our participation. I have mentioned that in my presentations and I think this has been useful for raising awareness.” (Sponsored Refugee)
“It was a shame that some refugee advisors could not travel for the Convention due to migration restrictions. She has been doing an incredible job advocating and championing the sponsorship with our organisation.” (QSN partner)