Third regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Corrèze

The regional platform is set up in the framework of the Share SIRA project, our European project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which aims at strengthening and expanding the social orientation and overall integration of newcomers in rural territories in Europe. Besides Corrèze, regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platforms have also been set up in 9 other rural regions in Europe. Click here to find out more about these regions!


On 27 January 2022, Entraide Pierre Valdo, with the support of with ICMC Europe (lead of the SHARE Network), organized the third roundtable of the regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in the department of Corrèze, France.

13 stakeholders joined the online event including regional authorities and agencies, local authorities, service providers, NGOs and volunteers.

First, the SIRA project was presented to newcomers in the platform. Participants expressed strong interest in learning about other European projects. Then, Institut Don Bosco gave updates on its pilot action in Corrèze, what has already been put in place and challenges they are facing in terms of timeline and communication. The field team also informed participants on what is happening in the department (new projects and actions, arrivals of new families, etc.).

Breakout rooms were used to enable participants to exchange on 2 subjects: 

·       The development of social link through interculturality and

·       The mobilization of local and regional authorities.

On the theme of interculturality, participants identified challenges and limitations such as a lack of mental health care, a lack of trust of the “other”, and a lack of information for people arriving in rural areas. They identified the mobilization of citizens as a potential solution to these challenges.

On the topic of the mobilization of local and regional authorities, the participants explained that there was a need for a better understanding of exiled people and better representation and visibility of exiled families. It requires stronger communication on the advantages and added value of welcoming newcomers. To make this possible, interpretation is a key tool.

To facilitate integration, they also discussed the need to:

  • Promote a good understanding of the French education system,

  • Support professional integration,

  • Work on improving access to transport and digital devices,

  • Coordinate actions more efficiently between state services, local authorities, services providers, associations working with newcomers and volunteers.

The main points that came out of the discussion were that direct participation of migrant families should be promoted and all integration procedures should be designed with the goal of the autonomy of the persons supported. Moreover, participants stated that the association that supports the families should organize regular updates with the volunteers in order to better coordinate integration actions.

 The stakeholders involved in the regional platforms will gather on one more occasion in 2022. You can find more information on the activities in Corrèze on the regional webpage.


Third regional multi-stakeholder cooperation platform for migrant and refugee integration in Saône-et-Loire


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