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SIRA Project in
Saône-et-Loire, France

NUTS ID: FRC13 | NUTS LEVEL: 3 | Urban-rural classification: Predominantly rural | Data on Saône-et-Loire


Our multi-stakeholder regional platform is composed of

  • Civil society organisations (ex. Villages Solidaires, Association Le Pont, Viltaïs)

  • Local authorities and regional agencies (ex. town hall of Génelard, OFII of Dijon)

  • Mainstream service providers and public employment bodies (ex. ADOMA, FTJ Le Creusot, Pôle Emploi Digoin)


In addition to facilitating needs-driven training, four regional multistakeholder roundtables will be organised in Saône-et-Loire to encourage participation and cooperation between local actors in the field of orientation/integration for newcomers as well as to:

Map ongoing orientation actions for newcomers within the region, including how such actions are funded

Identify gaps in current provision and map the assets and capacities that could support actions to address them, with a specific focus on the active role of local communities

Assess existing national, regional and/or local welcome and integration strategies and policies

Regional cooperation platform for migrant & refugee integration in Saône-et-Loire

Pilot Action

We believe that local communities are at the heart of creating welcoming environments in which newcomers can settle and thrive. Under the Share SIRA project, our 10 selected pilot actions will run during 10 months and put communities at the centre of innovative activities and initiatives to support the social orientation and early integration needs of newcomers living in rural areas. They will touch upon a wide range of themes and approaches including: access to banking services, access to mental and reproductive health, access to the labour market, mentorship, entrepreneurship, language acquisition, and intercultural exchanges with the local community through sports, cultural activities, outings, gastronomy and farming.


Make a wish implemented by Humanity

Location: Montceau les Mines and the surrounding area

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Publications and useful materials

Resources from the pilot action

Portrait of Anwar available here (FR)


Regional Resources

The association Viltaïs regularly publishes a newsletter on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Saône-et-Loire. Read a selection below (in French):

Newsletter #1 Ateliers Socio-Linguistiques, March 2020;

Newsletter #5, July 2020;

Newsletter #8, February 2021;

Newsletter #3 Ateliers Socio-Linguistiques, April 2021.

In Saône-et-Loire, the association Humanity proposes a "social café" allowing asylum seekers, refugees and locals to meet around art. Click here to find out more.

Humanity also publishes a bi-monthly journal in which they describe their activities. You can read it in French here.

On 22 March 2022, Humanity is hosting a training on gender equality. Find more information here (FR).