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SIRA Project in
Lower Silesia, Poland

NUTS ID: PL22 | NUTS LEVEL: 2 | Urban-rural classification: Intermediate | Data on Lower Silesia


Our multi-stakeholder regional platform is composed of

  • Foundations (ex. Ukraina Foundation, Foundation Kalejdoskop Kultur, House of Peace, NOMADA)

  • Academics and researches (ex. University of Wrocław)

  • Regional authorities and agencies (ex. Wrocław Education Centre, Centre for Social Development Wrocław)


In addition to facilitating needs-driven training, four regional multistakeholder roundtables will be organised in Lower Silesia to encourage participation and cooperation between local actors in the field of orientation/integration for newcomers as well as to:

Map ongoing orientation actions for newcomers within the region, including how such actions are funded

Identify gaps in current provision and map the assets and capacities that could support actions to address them, with a specific focus on the active role of local communities

Assess existing national, regional and/or local welcome and integration strategies and policies

Regional cooperation platform for migrant & refugee integration in Lower Silesia

Pilot Action

We believe that local communities are at the heart of creating welcoming environments in which newcomers can settle and thrive. Under the Share SIRA project, our 10 selected pilot actions will run during 10 months and put communities at the centre of innovative activities and initiatives to support the social orientation and early integration needs of newcomers living in rural areas. They will touch upon a wide range of themes and approaches including: access to banking services, access to mental and reproductive health, access to the labour market, mentorship, entrepreneurship, language acquisition, and intercultural exchanges with the local community through sports, cultural activities, outings, gastronomy and farming.


Welcome to Poland: integration of migrants and the local community in Lower Silesia, implemented by Ukraine Foundation and Association ‘’Ukraine-Wałbrzych”

Location: Communes in the proximity of Wałbrzych, Lower Silesia

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Publications and useful materials


Useful materials

Educational materials produced by the Centre for Citizens’ Education: Available here and here

Instructions on how to use the Polish online schooling system for parents prepared by the Polish Migration Forum: (384) Polskie Forum Migracyjne - YouTube

Links to other ongoing academic projects on integration:

External publications

Maciej Duszczyk, Marta Pachocka, Dominika Pszczółkowska (2020), Relations between Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe - Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives in Selected EU Member States, Centre for Migration Research of the University of Warsaw.

Benjamin Cope, Myroslava Keryk, Ivanna Kyliushyk (2021), Report "The Impact of Covid-19 on Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland", Fundacja Nasz Wybór". (EN - available in Polish here)