Small places, Great hearts
'Small Places, Great Hearts' is a series of films highlighting refugee resettlement and integration in smaller municipalities across Europe. Share partners’ Caritas Austria, Caritas International, Consorzio Communitas, Dutch Council for Refugees, MigrAfrica, JRS Portugal and JRS Romania led on the creation of the videos in consultation with municipalities, local NGOs, refugees and volunteers. They portray the daily life of a wide range of actors in small- and medium-size cities and towns who are using their own experiences to promote, celebrate and highlight the benefits of receiving refugees not only for refugees, but also for hosting communities.
Objectives of the series:
To demonstrate the important role of smaller municipalities in integration and their great potential to be welcoming communities;
To incorporate the voices of a wide range of actors involved in welcoming refugees;
To provide examples of innovative partnerships among such actors which facilitate refugee inclusion at the local level.