Best Practice Report: Identification, Referral, Matching & Pre-departure Preparation in FEP’s Humanitarian Corridor Programme

Lebanon remains the country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita in the world, with an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees. While UNHCR estimated that around 100.000 persons in Lebanon are in need of resettlement, the actual numbers departing lag far behind. Complementary pathways such as humanitarian corridors, thus play an essential role in increasing protection and durable solutions for refugees in Lebanon.

Building on the lessons learnt from actors involved in resettlement and complementary pathways in Lebanon, this paper outlines some best practices related to identification, referral, matching and pre-departure preparation as developed in the FEP humanitarian corridor programme. In particular, it will highlight how stakeholders with different backgrounds and expertise work together to develop a multi-stakeholder approach creating synergies among actors.


Philanthropy and Innovative Financing for Refugee Sponsorship and Complementary Pathways


Identification, referral, matching and pre-departure preparation, within the framework of resettlement, complementary pathways and community sponsorship