Identification, referral, matching and pre-departure preparation, within the framework of resettlement, complementary pathways and community sponsorship

The Share QSN roundtable on identification, referral, matching and pre-departure preparation took place online on January 30, 2023 and was attended by 77 participants from over 25 different countries across Europe, North America, Africa, and the Middle East. Participants ranged from practitioners toEU institutions and networks, government and policy makers, educational institutions, referral organisations, sponsorship organisations and refugees.

The event showcased multistakeholder approaches to support identification and referral of refugees in Lebanon for community sponsorship programmes in Europe. Best practices from the French FEP, the Italian FCEI and IRAP Lebanon were presented. Matching of refugees and host communities as well as the pre-departure preparation processes and cultural orientation for refugees were described by FEP, FCEI, the German IOM and the Spanish Government. Although their approaches vary, multistakeholder partnerships in the first country of asylum are crucial for well-functioning identification, referral, matching and pre-departure cultural orientation.


Best Practice Report: Identification, Referral, Matching & Pre-departure Preparation in FEP’s Humanitarian Corridor Programme


Joint statement: Extend the current Temporary Protection Regime for Displacement from Ukraine until 2025